We not only help international organizations to start using machine intelligence, we also help new developers and Data Scientists get their start.
Here are our favorite tutorials and resources to help you get started if you're new to Python or data science.
If you like working on some of these exercises and want to find some ways to use python for social impact, consider applying for our quarterly internship. Each qaurter we take on two unpaid interns that we guide on their journey from zero to data science hero in only two and a half months.
We even have a chatbot to help you along the way with daily encouragement, guidance and exercises.
Here you should find everything you need to get started in programming.
And there will be ways for programmers of all skill level to develop their craft.
Even I use the resources in this list to "level up" my skills now and then.
Complete Beginner
If you have no programming experience at all, this is a great place to start.
Python was designed to be the most readable and learnable programming language.
Plus you'll be learning the most powerful and popular programming language
- Open Source Society University: Everything for complete free college degree
- CSDojo YouTube: Complete Beginner Intro to Python RECOMMENDED
- PythonSpot: Simple text game
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python RECOMMENDED by David Valdez
Interactive Python Self-Learning
Intermediate Python and Beginner Data Science
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Pandas
- W3 School, Python Classes
- Donne Martin's Code Challenges (requires familiarity with git and github)
Certificated Online Learning
- EdX and Open Courseware RECOMMENDED by David
- Coursera
- Udacity
Datasets & Project Ideas
Here are some datasets, blog posts, and tutorials that might spark some ideas for projects of your own.
One of the most reliable ways to learn something is to duplicate someone else's work and then play with it or break it.
Eventually you may be able to modify, extend, or generalize it in some way that extends the state of the art.
How to Think and Learn
- Interactive Learning
- Learning how to learn RECOMMENDED by Katherine
- Make It Stick e-book RECOMMENDED by Diane
- SOLID learning technigque RECOMMENDED by by David
- Learning how to learn for children
Design Patterns
- Clean Code by Robert C Martin RECOMMENDED by Diane Chen
Mentoring Schools
- Code Mentor
- Thinkful
- Springboard RECOMMENDED by Hobson